When you have a little extra time, really savor your morning caffeine! Golden milk lattes are turmeric-based, a Mediterranean spice known for its bright yellow color and powerful antioxidant compounds. The antioxidant activity comes from turmeric’s active ingredient — curcumin — which has been shown to reduce inflammation and markers of stress in the body.


1 cup brewed coffee (I used a French press)⁣
1 cup almond milk⁣
1 tsp turmeric ⁣
1/2 tsp cinnamon ⁣
1 tsp coconut sugar ⁣


Heat the coffee and almond milk in a saucepan on medium-low heat, make sure to mix continuously so it doesn’t burn. Before it comes to a boil, add the turmeric, cinnamon, and coconut sugar and mix. ⁣Turn off the heat and froth with an immersion blender. Pour into a cup and garnish with a little cinnamon.

Brands I Used

Almond Breeze Unsweetened Almond Milk

Cafe Du Chateau French Press

Kitchen Aid Immersion Blender


Easy Fudgey Brownies


Nutty Paleo Bread