Ariana Korman, MS, RD, CDN

After struggling with her own digestive and health problems for many years, Ari came to the realization that modern medicine often focuses on covering symptoms, but rarely on preventing disease. She found the overwhelming connection between how we eat and how we feel, and that changing her diet resolved her lifelong health struggles, and revealed ones that had been hidden.

Ari takes a holistic, integrative approach to health, using food as the first line of defense. She believes that food is the most powerful medicine, and that clean, real, non-processed food is the key to immune support, a high-functioning brain, optimal digestion, disease prevention, and living your long, healthy (& happy!) life.

After completing her undergraduate studies in Nutritional Science at Cornell University, she continued her nutrition journey by becoming a Registered Dietitian and earning her Master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition at New York University.

Ari works one-on-one with clients to provide them with the tools to succeed on their health journey. She believes nutrition is not one-size-fits-all, and that an individualized approach is the key to empowering her clients with the tools to change their lives, and sustain those changes long-term.
