Ari Korman RD

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Leafy Green Smoothie

Sitting down for a real meal can be hard when we’re balancing so many things — it’s so easy to snack throughout the day because we feel like we don’t have time to cook or slow down. Smoothies are such an easy way to get a full, nutrient dense, balanced meal while freeing yourself up to focus on killing it everywhere else in your life.

Healthy eating shouldn’t mean you have to slow down or take time away from focusing on your career or the things you love. Healthy eating can be so easy — you really can have it all! All it takes is a little preparation and some go-to easy recipes.


1 1/2 cup spinach ⁣
1/2 banana⁣
1/2 cup frozen mango⁣
22g protein powder
1 Tbsp almond butter⁣
1 1/2 cup almond milk⁣


Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Brands I Used

Julian Bakery Unflavored Egg White Protein

Almond Breeze Unsweetened Almond Milk

Trader Joe’s Creamy Almond Butter

NutriBullet Blender⁣