Drink Smarter, and Healthier

Prioritizing your health doesn’t mean you have to give up the things you enjoy, or cut out on socializing that entices you to make less-than-healthy choices. The key is knowing what those choices are, and being armed with the knowledge to make choices that serve your health goals.

It’s no secret that alcohol consumption is probably not the most healthy habit, and that over-drinking can be detrimental to physical (and emotional) health in a lot of ways. That being said…who doesn’t crave a glass of wine at the end of a long day? Or want to celebrate your birthday with a tequila shot? You can go out, have fun, drink alcohol, and still prioritize your health with a few strategies.

  1. Eat something with carbs

    We’re all a little too familiar with eating while or after we drink. While some of this habitual eating does come from lowering your inhibitions and feeling less control over your choices, there’s also a more scientific reason. When your body metabolizes alcohol it stops two processes: gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. The first is the process of building glucose (carbohydrates, energy) from amino acids (protein), and the second is the process of breaking down your storage form of glucose (glycogen) into a usable form of glucose for energy. When these processes are stopped, it results in low blood sugar, which is why you probably crave high calorie, high carbohydrate foods when you drink. Eating a healthy carbohydrate before, during, and/or after drinking can help prevent either the double hangover from your drinks + a whole pizza, or the hangover from having such low blood sugar in the morning.

  2. Think about your mixers

    What many people don’t realize is that the problem isn’t really the alcohol, it’s the sugar-heavy mixers that leave you feeling not your best the next day. Tonic water is basically just sugar water, and most classic cocktails use a lot of simple syrup that dehydrates you and adds a lot of unnecessary calories. Opt for soda water instead of tonic, and use lemons and limes as flavorings instead of juice, and ask to omit any simple syrup from your cocktail.

  3. Drink Water!

    This seems obvious, but most of us forget that we can actually drink water while drinking alcohol, not just chug a whole bottle after we get home. Drinking water throughout the night (or day) while drinking alcohol will do a better job at keeping you hydrated, and also slow down the rate that you’re drinking the alcohol which can give you more time to realize that you might not need that extra drink.

  4. Moderation

    This one really shouldn’t come as a surprise. It’s not healthy for anyone to drink 6+ drinks in a few hours. It happens sometimes, but it’s not ideal to make it a habit. Pick and choose the days where you really want that full-sugar marg or that fancy cocktail that you know will give you a wicked hangover. Everything fits in a healthy lifestyle in moderation, and the same goes for drinking!


How an RD Prepares for a Weekend Away